- Opening Session 09:30-10:35
Opening Session
Leadership of TCS and extinguished guests including high-public profile political figures and high-level officials will give remarks and build momentum for Trilateral Cooperation.

- Session Ⅰ. 10:50-12:30
Session Ⅰ. Vision for a Shared Future: Lessons from the Past and the Road Forward
Since its inception in 1999, trilateral cooperation has steadily expanded despite volatile regional and global political situation. With the Trilateral Summit at its core, supported by 21 ministerial meetings, the region accumulated 25 years of knowledge with rich information on its achievements and challenges.
SessionⅠ will invite former high-level officials to review the past trilateral cooperation and discuss the future of it, based on the recent achievements in high-level meetings. Speakers will also reflect on the achievements of TCS and suggest the path towards revitalizing trilateral cooperation amidst rising geopolitical security concerns.

- Session Ⅱ. 14:00-15:40
Session Ⅱ. Digital Nexus: In Search of Solution for Descending Mutual Perception in Trilateral Cooperation
China, Japan and the ROK are facing challenges of descending mutual understanding in the digital era; the Trilateral Public Opinion Survey in 2018 indicated a significant decline in mutual perceptions among the three countries, with similar results reported in 2023. This implies that negative online information and declining mutual perception are interconnected, and there is a need for improvement in mutual perceptions among the three countries.
In this context, Session Ⅱ brings together experts and activists from the three countries and international organizations to discuss how social media reshapes perception among people, and also find solutions for an inclusive digital transformation in the three countries.