IFTC Agenda
International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation Revitalizing Trilateral Cooperation in the Post-Covid Era : Communication, Connectivity and Community
Opening Session
Opening Session

Leadership of TCS and extinguished guests including high-public profile political figures and high-level officials from the ministries of Foreign Affairs will give remarks and build momentum for Trilateral Cooperation.

Session 1 11:10-12:30
Public Diplomacy and Mass Communication: Mutual Perception among China, Japan, and Korea

Session 1 “Public Diplomacy and Mass Communication: Mutual Perception among China, Japan, and Korea” addressed the role of public diplomacy & media in promoting mutual understanding and trust between the three nations and explored ways to increase cooperation and coordination.

Session2 14:00-15:45
From Exclusion to Inclusion: Connecting the Digitalized World

Session 2 “From Exclusion to Inclusion: Connecting the Digitalized World”, in collaboration with Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), analyzed the virtuous cycle between digital economy and the ageing society and explored how the aged population can contribute to economic growth of the region and vice versa study how digital economy can improve their access to infrastructure, policy, and economic opportunities.

Session3 16:00-17:30
Mutual Perception Improvement: From the Lens of Local Community Exchanges

Session 3 “Mutual Perception Improvement: From the Lens of Local Community Exchanges” discussed practical ways in which local government exchanges can be facilitated and strengthened between China, Japan, and Korea.