- Session 1.
Northeast Asia in Times of Transition
The Session 1 overviewed the current trends of Northeast Asia by assessing the challenges and opportunities in times of transition. Three speakers, Prof, Jin Canrong, Prof.Moon Jung-in, and Prof. Tanaka Hitoshi, listed out the major challenges in the region and discussed their visions toward the future paths of the region and trilateral cooperation. The speakers agreed on the importance of promoting trilateral cooperation.

- Session 2.
Strengthening Economic Cooperation and Intergration
The Session 2 explored various approaches to enhancing trilateral economic cooperation, offering comparisons and analyses of the institutional arrangements and industrial cooperation among the three countries.

- Session 3.
Specific Proposals - Expanding the Horizon of the Trilateral Cooperation
Session 3 invited 6 experts from different areas to explore new ideas and concrete measures for the trilateral people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. The session was divided into three sub-sessions with the following specific topics:
Sub-Session 1: Cyber-nationalism and Role of Media
Sub-Session 2: Social and cultural exchange
Sub-Session 3: Civil society exchange

- Session 4.
Roles of the TCS
Ambassador Shin Bong-kil moderated the last session with the attendance of senior officials in international organizations. The speakers all agreed on the significance of having the TCS in this region and showed their expectation that it would make valuable contributions to regional integration.

- Yeong Bin Gwan, THE SHILLA HOTEL
- 신라호텔 영빈관
- 202 Jangchung-dong, 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 100-856
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- +82-2-2233-3131
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